Quality that will impress you.
pfautec is a byword for quality "made in Germany". For us, this means no compromises when it comes to safety. Our proven bicycles/special tricycles for adults are suitable for therapy purposes and produced completely in-house, from construction to full assembly. This represents a clear economic commitment to our region: pfautec together in Germany.
Our categories – here is something for everyone
pfautec modeljaar 2023
De digitale pfautec-catalogus
De digitale catalogus voor ons nieuwe modeljaar 2023 is nu vrij toegankelijk in het downloadgedeelte.
Voor een betere oriëntatie is de catalogus in verschillende secties onderverdeeld. De populairste pfautec-producten worden vanaf pagina 14 in het eerste deel van de catalogus uitvoerig beschreven en getoond. Onze andere driewieler- en fietsmodellen evenals accessoires en opties worden in de daaropvolgende rubrieken vermeld. Anders dan in voorgaande jaren staan de adviesverkoopprijzen van onze prijzen in de catalogus vermeld, zodat u/uw klanten alle belangrijke informatie in één oogopslag kunnen zien.
Algemene veranderingen in het nieuwe modeljaar
Naast onze Scoobo+ introduceren we dit jaar met trots nog een premium model. Onze Tibo+ is nu verkrijgbaar!
Als opvolger van het Tibo4-model maakt de Tibo+ indruk met een geveerde voor- en achterbrug en een krachtige Bosch Performance Line CX-aandrijving, die een extra portie ondersteuning biedt, vooral bij lage trapfrequenties.
Bij de ontwikkeling van de Tibo+ hebben we ons gericht op een doelgroep die niet meer in de gewichtsklasse van de Scoobo of andere driewielers past en zich onveilig voelt op een driewieler. Met onze nieuwste vierwieler bieden we deze klanten een aantrekkelijk alternatief.
Onze ergonomische premium zitting is dit jaar ook een noviteit. Met de verstelbare lendensteun kan het kussen individueel worden aangepast aan de rijder, wat zorgt voor een bijzonder comfortabele rijervaring.
Mocht u vragen of suggesties hebben, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met een van onze vertegenwoordigers of stuur ons een bericht via het contactformulier. Wij wensen u veel plezier bij het doorbladeren van de nieuwe informatie.
Uw pfautec team
Facts & Figures
Where PFIFF is written on it, there is a lot of pfautec in it. And vice versa. In fact, one is hardly conceivable without the other.
The qualities of the two companies complement each other to form an impressive whole:
- pfautec offers the conclusive answers to almost every need for movement on wheels.
- Designers and developers create trend-setting innovations with a convincing price-performance ratio.
- At pfautec, we make no compromises when it comes to quality and safety. And that’s a guarantee.
- The perfect combination of technology and emotion
Strong values since 1999
Tradition, innovation and safety have always underpinned our values. We have been developing high-quality aids for people with and without mobility restrictions since 1999, with a great deal of passion and dedication. We see ourselves as approachable and reliable companions and attach great importance to continuous research and development work. We keep our finger on the pulse of the times and keep pace with the growing demands of the new era. Our motors: An open ear for the needs of our customers, active social responsibility and the desire to make the world a little more sustainable every day.
I would like to buy a vehicle from you. Do I have to take a test ride?
Absolutely! In principle, we recommend a test ride before any purchase. This ensures that we find the best help for you. A test ride is also especially important for people who want to switch from a bicycle to a tricycle. Our experience has shown that it is precisely here that there are often initial difficulties when it comes to getting used to the new riding behaviour. With a test ride you get an initial feel for your new bike and make sure that you don't buy a "pig in a poke".
Where can I get your products?
Our products are primarily sold through bicycle dealers and medical supply stores. You will receive particularly good and intensive advice from our support dealers. Compared to the shop around the corner, they always have at least one vehicle in stock in the showroom for inspection and a test ride. You can find a support dealer near you with the help of our dealer search. There you will be shown all dealers within a radius of 50 km. Simply enter your city or your respective postal code.
I would like to buy the model x with electric motor, but it is only offered on the model xy. Can I get the motor installed in the model I want?
If this is a model in which a front wheel motor is to be used, then this is of course possible. The version we use is suitable for front wheels from 16 to 28 inches. For this, a surcharge to the standard model calculated. The best thing to do is to ask our team for personal advice.
My dealer does have one of your products in stock, but I would like to try a different model.
Not every local dealer has the ability or space to offer multiple models. However, there are now a large number of specialist shops that stock a wide range of our vehicles for testing. Use our dealer search or contact us. We will be happy to assist you in your search. Click here to go to the dealer locator.
Do you also offer models that can be driven exclusively with electric drive?
Yes we do. For this purpose, a TÜV approval with operating permit is requested for the vehicle. This vehicle may then only be operated with an appropriate driving licence and a valid insurance number plate.
Why don't you offer your products in stores or relevant chains?
For a takeaway product like a DVD or bedding, that can work. However, our bikes are products that require explanation and we would like to give you the best possible advice. In the interest of our customers, we therefore remain
specialist trade-oriented.
I would like to buy a vehicle from you. Do I have to take a test ride?
Absolutely! In principle, we recommend a test ride before any purchase. This ensures that we find the best help for you. A test ride is also especially important for people who want to switch from a bicycle to a tricycle. Our experience has shown that it is precisely here that there are often initial difficulties when it comes to getting used to the new riding behaviour. With a test ride you get an initial feel for your new bike and make sure that you don't buy a "pig in a poke".
My dealer does have one of your products in stock, but I would like to try a different model.
Not every local dealer has the ability or space to offer multiple models. However, there are now a large number of specialist shops that stock a wide range of our vehicles for testing. Use our dealer search or contact us. We will be happy to assist you in your search. Click here to go to the dealer locator.
Where can I get your products?
Our products are primarily sold through bicycle dealers and medical supply stores. You will receive particularly good and intensive advice from our support dealers. Compared to the shop around the corner, they always have at least one vehicle in stock in the showroom for inspection and a test ride. You can find a support dealer near you with the help of our dealer search. There you will be shown all dealers within a radius of 50 km. Simply enter your city or your respective postal code.
Do you also offer models that can be driven exclusively with electric drive?
Yes we do. For this purpose, a TÜV approval with operating permit is requested for the vehicle. This vehicle may then only be operated with an appropriate driving licence and a valid insurance number plate.
I would like to buy the model x with electric motor, but it is only offered on the model xy. Can I get the motor installed in the model I want?
If this is a model in which a front wheel motor is to be used, then this is of course possible. The version we use is suitable for front wheels from 16 to 28 inches. For this, a surcharge to the standard model calculated. The best thing to do is to ask our team for personal advice.
Why don't you offer your products in stores or relevant chains?
For a takeaway product like a DVD or bedding, that can work. However, our bikes are products that require explanation and we would like to give you the best possible advice. In the interest of our customers, we therefore remain
specialist trade-oriented.
Are you satisfied with us?
Are you satisfied with us? Feel free to share your positive experience with a review on Google. Simply use this link or scan the QR code to access our rating page.
If you have a reason to rate our service with less than 5 stars, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. A high level of customer satisfaction is very important to us.
Thank you in advance and have a safe trip!
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